

Just a quick note:  You may do anything you wish with my sims, but please, please, please do not upload them anywhere without my permission and please, please, please give credit where it's due if you use them publicly.  Other than that, they are yours to exploit.  : )

**All spares (non-heirs) can be downloaded >>HERE<<
**I'll be leaving the download link for all Legacy heirs here.  All sims are packaged without CC, so if you want them to look exactly how they look in my legacy (or if you wish to edit their features) I suggest you download these items:
  1. Moonlight Default Skin from GoS: >>FACE<<>>BODY<<
  2. Bella3lek4 (aka Ahmad) facial sliders
  3. Jonha's body sliders
                                Generation One
Traits: Athletic, Genius, Great Kisser, Over-Emotional, Perceptive
Favorites: Peanut Butter and Jelly, Indie, Yellow
Sign: Aquarius
LTW: Pervasive Private Eye

Generation Roll:
Marital Structure: Couple
Number of Children: 3
Primary Income: Private Investigator
Secondary Income: Education
Generation Goal: Change of Scenery
Misc. Fun: Joker

                                           Generation Two:
Traits: Athletic, Excitable, Genius, Good Sense of Humor, Vegetarian
Favorites: Egyptian, Hot Dogs, Lilac
Sign: Aries
LTW: Perfect Mind, Perfect Body 

Generation Roll:
Marital Structure: Couple
Number of Children: 2
Primary Income: Athletic Trainer
Secondary Income: Science
Generation Goal: A Party to Remember (Event)
Misc. Fun: Tattoo Addict

Generation Three

Heir: Harper Dennis
**Her story will be told in the Harris Legacy Blog